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OKLAHOMA CITY (KFOR) – The holidays are full of family, friends, and food, so the Oklahoma City-County Health Department wants to remind you of some food safety tips to keep your holidays happy and healthy.

  1. CLEAN– Wash hands and surfaces often. Clean utensils and surfaces with hot water after preparing food. Do not wash your turkey! Washing meat just exposes other kitchen areas and foods to cross-contamination. Cooking is the only way to destroy potentially dangerous bacteria.
  2. SEPARATE– Separate raw meats from other foods- use separate cutting boards, plates, and utensils for raw meat and fresh produce. This will prevent cross-contamination.
  3. COOK– Cooking to the safe temperature kills harmful bacteria. Turkey is safe when the temperature reaches 165 degrees Fahrenheit. If the turkey is stuffed, then the temperature of the stuffing should also be 165 degrees.
    To ensure the temperature, check the following three places:

    1. The thickest part of the breast
    2. The innermost part of the wing
    3. The innermost part of the thigh
  4. CHILL– Refrigerate leftovers within two hours and remember to freeze or use leftovers within 3-4 days. Frozen leftovers should be used within 2-6 months for best quality. Remember, bacteria that cause foodborne illnesses cannot be smelled or tasted.

“Be safe and meticulous with your food prep this holiday season. Have a healthy and happy Thanksgiving!”

Click here to learn more about holiday meal food prep.